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Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account (Penguin Modern Classics)

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The best brief account of the Auschwitz experience available (The New York Review of Books)
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Miklós Nyiszli (1901-1956) was a Jewish prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Nyiszli, his wife and young daughter were transported to Auschwitz in May 1944. After he had worked for a short while as a labourer at the I. G. Farben factory at Auschwitz-Monowitz, his medical qualifications were discovered by the SS and he was sent to the extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he worked as a pathologist under the supervision of the notorious camp doctor Joseph Mengele. Nyiszli survived the camp along with his daughter and returned to his home, now part of Romania, where he died in 1956.
Taschenbuch: 208 Seiten
Verlag: Penguin Classics; Auflage: 01 (25. Oktober 2012)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0141392215
ISBN-13: 978-0141392219
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
19,8 x 1,2 x 12,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
10 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 88.271 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Ein ungarischer Arzt wird nach Auschwitz deportiert. Dort nimmt er als Assistent von Josef Mengele Sezierungen vor, untersucht sowohl das SS-Wachpersonal als auch seine Kollegen vom Sonderkommando.Nur wenige Menschen die im direkten Umfeld der Gaskammern tätig waren (das sog. Sonderkommando) haben überlebt und somit ist dieses Buch ein Zeugnis über die unvorstellbaren Geschehnisse. Kein Geschichtsbuch kann dies so eindrücklich wiedergeben, wie es hier der Fall ist.Dass die Erlebnisse nicht einmal ein Jahr nach der Befreiung niedergeschrieben wurden, ist deutlich fühlbar. Die Schilderungen lassen einem in diese Zeit and diesen Ort eintauchen - auch wenn es manchmal kaum auszuhalten ist.Neben der Fernsehdokumenation "Shoah" eines der eindringlichsten Zeugnisse des Holocaust.Ein absolutes Muss für Interessierte.
I read Auschwitz by Dr. Nyiszli atleast 5 years ago and never forgot it. The thing that sticks in my mind is "buisness as usual", he answers the question I have often asked, "Why doesn't someone do something?" When I look around today, I say why isn't somebody doing something to change the social behavior of kids and "buisness as usual" clicks into my head. We have kids shooting kids on their school grounds and no one does a thing. We as parents have allowed a system to take over just like in Nazis Germany. Children in america threaten to report their parents to socail services if the parent is trying to correct them. What is the difference, isn't that how it strarted in Germany? I think Dr. Nyisali does an excelent job studying and analysing the Nazis, the Jews and himself. It is so worth reading that I am try to get a copy of it again.
I have read this book at least a dozen times. The story it tells is unimaginable in this day and age but you must understand that this REALLY did occur. I have read many stories on life in Auschwitz and this one is by far and away the best. It pulls the reader in and it keeps you fascinated as you learn what this man went through. I was also fortunate enough to visit Auschwitz in 1992 and I read the book before going. I made notes of locations I wanted to see and wondered what they would actually look like. I came back from my trip with a new sense of what the book describes. I re-read the book after my return and could only think "how on Earth could anyone survive this inferno?" This book is gripping and I wholeheartedly recommend it. This is not just a book...it is History!
I am an italian - JEW - doctor M.D.,I am born in 1932, Iescaped from nazis' persecution first hidden, after escaped inSwitzerland: I had a grandmother and two uncles died in Auschwitz and Mauthausen. I THINK as M.D. (and also psychanalist) systematically studying Nazism with a great interest - professional and personal and historical - THAT THIS NYISZLI'S BOOK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND EXPLAINING ABOUT THE ABSOLUTE PARTICULARITY OF NAZIS' QUALITY OF CRUELTY: NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH WHICHEVER OTHER SLAUGHTERS OF THE WHOLE HUMAN HISTORY. I was bewildered on reading another reviewer writing: "interesting but nothing new". I apologize but I don't agree at all.
This Author since he could survive although he was in theSonderkommando (even SS assigned to kilns were killed) is the MOSTIMPORTANT witness of the very particularity of Nazis' Holocaust: their INDUSTRIAL , perfectly organized way to annihilate millions of human beings, their SCIENTIFICLY codified and coordinated organisation for "clean" and total killing. This Author and his books and his witnessing in Nurmberg gives the best explanations how the Nazis' Holocaust is QUITE DIFFERENT, UTTERLY DIFFERENT from all other great slaughters.
Jeder der die Wahrheit über die schrecklichen Ereignisse die sich in der KZ Welt abgespielt haben kennen will, muss dieses Buch gelesen haben.
Dr. N had two chioces in the matter of assisting sadistic Mengel. The first one was to assist him and the second one was to go to the gas chamber and up the smoke stack. He made a wise decision. What bewilders me how he could keep doing the disections. Mostly on twin childern. Dr. N must have been good as he did an atopsay on a murdered SS man. Why would the nazis let a "OTHER THAN" do that work on a SS man? Dr. N must have been an excellant doctor. The ending also is very interesting. Like a good movie the book has a very interesting ending. A must read for all....
This book provides us with a first eye look at the operations at the infamous Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz. Dr. Miklos Nyislzi volunteered his services as a doctor/pathologist to the notorious "Angel of Death", Dr. Mengele. The experiments that were performed are unbelievable. How Dr. Nyislzi avoided getting killed on numerous occasions is beyond me. The ending to this book is perhaps the most astonishing part of all. A must read.
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