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Joss Whedon: The Biography, by Amy Pascale

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"Amy Pascale delves deep behind the scenes of Joss Whedon's myriad film and television projects, covering Avengers, vampire slayers, and everything in between. This thorough and engaging biography is a must-read for everyone who loves Whedon's work, from the casual fan to the most hardcore Browncoat. Tim Hanley, author of "Wonder Woman Unbound: The Curious History of the World s Most Famous Heroine""If you think you know everything about Joss, you haven t read this thoroughly entertaining and well-researched treasure trove. Josh Horowitz, MTV News"Now that I ve read this and feel like I know Joss as a person rather than merely a hit-making, critically adored peer, my schadenfreude has been reduced to completely manageable levels. Rob Thomas, creator of "Veronica Mars""Like a series of great tales told during a boozy night of friends reminiscing, Pascale s biography of Joss Whedon does what the great artistic biographies do it makes you want to go back and re-experience his work. Patton Oswalt"
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
A former director for MTV, Amy Pascale lives in New York City. Nathan Fillion starred in the Joss Whedon vehiclesFirefly, Serenity, Dr. HorribleÂ’s Sing-Along Blog, and Much Ado About Nothing. He plays Richard Castle onCastle.
Taschenbuch: 448 Seiten
Verlag: CHICAGO REVIEW PR; Auflage: Reprint (1. September 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1613734174
ISBN-13: 978-1613734179
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,7 x 2,5 x 17,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 392.121 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Als großer Fan von Joss und seinem Whedonverse war diese neue Biografie ein Selbstgänger. Und ich war nicht enttäuscht. Die Biografie von Amy Pascale ist sachlich, und doch menschlich, und an den richtigen Stellen emotional, ohne kitschig zu werden.Die Biografie begleitet Joss von seiner Geburt bis ungefähr 2013/2014, und wirft einen Blick auf seine Herkunft, seine Wurzeln, seine Karriere und den Menschen dahinter. Freunde und Kollegen kommen zu Wort und lassen einen hinter die Kullissen luschern.Die Autorin hat einen angenehmen Schreibstil, der auch Lesern mit einem eher reduzierten englischem Wortschatz keine großen Probleme bereiten sollte.Für alle, die Joss jetzt nur von den Avengern kennen, und mehr wissen wollen, oder Buffy-Anhängern der ersten Stunde, die einfach nur wissen wollen, wo alles Begann, diese Biografie ist genau das richtige! Absolute Leseempfehlung!
Obwohl ich in den letzten Jahren doch einige Serien und Filme von Joss the boss geschaut und lieb gewonnen habe, wusste ich doch bis zum Lesen des Buches nicht, was der Mann so alles gemacht hat und macht. Super spannend. und da ich mir immer gleich noch die Filme im Netz gesucht und geschaut habe, auch super unterhaltsam. Also Ihr Joss Whedon Fans: Buch kaufen, Englisch aufpolieren und lesen :-)
This biography was up for book of the year in this category, which is a bit of a surprise, not because it isn’t good enough, but because it has the same irreverent style as its namesake.If you’re reading this because you’re a fan of the man—I think he’d like that rhyme—you will not be disappointed. There’s plenty of background on his growing-up years, his time in college where he learned about filmmaking, and his early years with his father in Hollywood. But where it really takes off, as should be expected, is with Buffy The Vampire Slayer, first his disappointment at how the movie was taken out of his control, then Buffy’s triumphant return, this time on TV. For those who are not particularly fans of his yet reading this anyway, there’s plenty of interesting tidbits from his time in Hollywood, all the way to Much Ado About Nothing and the preproduction of the semi-sequel to that blockbuster that is The Avengers, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. There’s just a touch about this family life, a few mentions without being intrusive; since I’m not a person who follows such things, I didn’t even know he had kids.And just because there’s nowhere else for me to put this, I’m gonna say right now that, after binging on Buffy the Vampire Slayer for about a month, what I thought the first time is confirmed: the best moment of the whole series is “Buffy Summers, Class Protector.â€5/5 (Or as Faith would say, “Five by five.â€)
I've been a fan of pretty much every show or movie that Joss has done for a long time now. I was amazed how many knew things I was able to learn from this book. It strengthened my respect for the man. The main theme that I found on every page is Joss' love for what he does. You see it in the book, in his works, and in the words from people that know him well.Joss is loved by all who work for him and that says something. He is loyal to his actors and to the characters they portray. He was always fighting the good fight against production companies that wanted to tell a different story than he did. The guy is a genius. Who else has a cult following for a show that was cancelled during its first season. Who else can convince big name stars like Neil Patrick Harris to do a short musical for the web for free?There are just so many good things to say about the book. It is well written and entertaining at a time when so many biographies are just plain dry and I recommend it for anyone that wants to know more about one of Hollywood's greatest writer/producer/director.
Reading this book is like spending a day (or more than a day, depending on how fast you read) with Joss and his many friends/fans/frolleagues, and it's just as delightful to meet them in the confines of the book as you might have imagined from having experienced Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse or anything else he's come into contact over the last two decades or-so (including Speed and the original Toy Story that you love so much). It confirmed for me something that I probably already knew as a writer: that good stories require a combination of good storytellers, passion, commitment, hard work, and families, whether organic or created by circumstance or script. While I don't write as well as or in the same formats as Joss, I am certain that this book has imparted to me many lessons on writing, crafting story, gleaning inspiration from the world, and acknowledging those who deserve credit. A must-read for Joss fans, and a great read for other writerly/sci-fi/fantasy folk. It's all about story, people. And this one is a good one.
Wonderful biography of Joss Whedon, researched and written by Amy Pascale. I can't imagine a more revert but honest look at a man who has inspired a generation of fans toward such activism and passion. I found it impossible to find in bookstores and so picked up the kindle version to read at my own pace. But once I started, I couldn't stop. Reading the story of Joss put me in the same frenzy to devour words that I would have when a new Harry Potter was released. I devoured the whole thing in two sittings, staying up until 5 am the first night.I picked up the book because I've been a fan of Joss's for years (staring with Buffy) without ever really knowing much about him. It wasn't until the cancellation of Firefly that I truly became a follower and realized the beautiful genius that touches and moves us through his storytelling. The book is an intimate look at his life and his influences, without getting distracted by the drama that surrounded some of his productions and ideas.My only complaint is it felt like it spent too much time focusing on the development of Buffy and conversations from the Bronze forum. But after reading through the rest of the book, I know that the time spent there was connected to the larger themes of feminism and fan connection that permeates everything that Joss creates. I would have liked to have seen just as much time and space devoted to Dollhouse, which I feel is an even more relevant message of empowerment to resist "the system" than even when it first aired.Thank you for letting us in on the humble genius that is Joss.
It's more of a behind-the-scenes look at his various projects than a biography, and a lot of it is Buffy-centric, so if you're not into Buffy you should probably pass. I did learn quite a bit about his early life, however, and enjoyed the on-set stuff, as well as his typical quirky witticisms. I was very into Buffy when it was on the air, and a legitimate Internet geek even back then, yet I had never heard of the forum called The Guild which they talk about a lot in this book. I was pretty convinced that the author must have been a member of the message board, and it does turn out that she was, as it obviously played a major role in her fandom and influenced her perspective on the book as a whole.
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